Product Finder

Car Lifts with driver on board
Travel up to 11,90 m / Capacity Load 2.700 kg / Pit depth 80 cm
Car Lifts with driver on board IP1-HMT V08
Travel up to 11,90 m / Capacity Load 3.200 kg / Pit depth 20 cm
IP1-CM MOB with on board driver
Travel up to 5,00 m / Capacity Load 2700 or 3500 kg / Pit depth 90 cm / with covering roof
Car Lift IP1-CM MOB 2  with on board driver
Travel up to 11,90 m / Capacity Load 2700 kg / Pit depth 50 cm / with covering roof
Car Lifts with roof covering IP1-CM FF42
Travel up to 5,00 m / Capacity Load 2700 kg / Pit depth 70 cm